The all-in-one
platform for your
freelance workflow
Manage work, connect with the best and grow your career as an independent with Sollective.
Freelance Matching
All companies and projects that you meet at Sollective have passed our screening process that identifies: respect for freelancers, a commitment to quality, and a willingness to pay fair compensation.
* Profile approval is required to apply for projects
Screening process
The Sollective Platform
Tailored workflows
to set you up for success
Your portfolio
Simply upload your resumé or CV and launch your AI-generated portfolio in minutes.
Quality projects
The best projects from the best companies - do work that's meaningful to you.
Zero fees
Sollective has got your back when it comes to contract or payment disputes. No margins, no worries.
Our promise to you
You have high standards for you clients and so do we - that's why you'll never see fake projects or misrepresented project compensation on Sollective.
We promise to never sell your personal information to third-parties. We know how frustrating it is to receive unsolicited marketing calls and experience data leakage that can negatively impact your business.
As a Sollective freelancer, you're guaranteed to be doing quality work that matters to you with less time wasted and more time building meaningful client relationships.
Join as a Freelancer
Case Studies
Client Transactions
Document eSign
Client CRM
Manage Finances
Qualified Invoice
Productivity Tools
Project Management
Time Tracking
The Collective Vol. 1
The Collective
The Collective is our way of celebrating the freelancer way of life - even though you may have chosen to strike out on your own, that doesn't mean you have to face challenges alone.
Join us at our next event for an unforgettable night of music, culture, and networking.
Even as independents, we can do more together.
Connect, learn, and share experiences with other freelancers.
Featured Benefit
Access exclusive member benefits
Freelance is not just a workstyle, it's a lifestyle. The Sollective community gives you access to exciting events, new networking opportunities, and exclusive benefits to empower your freelance journey.
Offline and Online Events
Events are hosted almost every week: such as seminars where you can learn the basics to excel as a freelancer, meetups where you can share and discuss work challenges and the latest industry trends.