Extending Integration Support to 2 Accounting Tools Article Image

Extending Integration Support to 2 Accounting Tools


After releasing Sollective Sync and our initial support for Integrations, we found that our initial support for freee was well received by users. However the most common comment we’ve received from our community was: “What about supporting [my tax software]?”.

That’s why today we’re excited to share that we’re extending our support for 2 more accounting software based on user’s requests: Misoca (by Yayoi) and MoneyForward.

We’re dedicated to giving freelancers the freedom and flexibility to manage their businesses with the tools they choose. For both Misoca and MoneyForward, users will be able to:

Export SeiQ Invoices

Prefer the easy-to-use interface and client tracking of Sollective, but require your invoices in another software? You can replicate a SeiQ invoice by exporting a copy to the integrated software of your choice in order to take advantage of advanced accounting options and get the best of both worlds.

Import Invoices into SeiQ

If you prefer Sollective’s platform for getting the whole picture of your client management, you can import existing invoices with Sollective Sync.

Easier Business Tracking with Integrations

Because both Misoca and MoneyForward’s software dynamically accounts for the invoices you create, you’ll be able to see your account balances update when SeiQ invoices are exported to either of these platforms.

Note: Sollective’s invoice templates will not carry over to either platform. In addition, as with any accounting software, implementations of rounding math can be different. In rare cases due to user configuration, invoice totals may exhibit small discrepancies.

About SeiQ

We released SeiQ as part of our suite of products that empower freelancers to do the work they love with less overhead. With SeiQ, freelancers can now quickly navigate the time consuming, and unnecessarily complex process of billing their clients in accordance with Japan’s invoicing laws and regulations.

How to get started with SeiQ with Misoca or MoneyForward

If you don’t already a Sollective account, you can Sign up for Sollective here

  • Go to your Account Settings in Sollective
  • Choose the Integrations tab and click Connect next to the integration you want to connect.
  • After a successful connection, you can select Export to Integrations and follow the prompts
  • Your favorite tools, your own custom workflow, with Sollective’s software

    Sollective wants to empower freelancers to use the tools they prefer in the workflows they want. Our freelance business suite is completely free for Freelancers on Sollective and our goal is to empower you to do your best work and to run the business you want to run.

    If you love our software, or have any feedback to share about this new feature, we’re always open to feedback and suggestions. Not exactly what you were looking for in an integration? That’s fine too, we’d love to hear your thoughts in our members-only community slack, at one of our upcoming events or via Twitter (don’t forget to mention @sollective!). It’s up to us to improve freelancing together.

    Again, our Sollective is a small handful of people passionate about elevating Freelance in Japan – if you’d like to contribute to the advancement of freelancing in Japan, we’re hiring!

    ※SeiQ is now known as FreelanceOS Invoices

    💡Related article: Introducing New Premium Features - FreelanceOS

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