A Visual Overhaul for Sollective Profiles Article Image

A Visual Overhaul for Sollective Profiles


Today all our members will notice a huge visual update for their profiles on Sollective. Profiles have always been a core feature of Sollective and alongside our recent branding updates, we wanted to make sure all of our users benefit from a cleaner look & feel.

Besides an closer alignment with Sollective’s branding, we wanted to create an even more modern interface that focuses on the elements that make each one of our members special.

Our Design & Development Goals

Highlight more of the skills, qualities and work that defines each freelancer

We’ve completely redesigned portfolios for creative freelancers, and made freelancers’ skills and experience more visible. Certifications support new details like validity periods (for certifications that expire), and Work Experience has been expanded with new settings that easily show your role in your freelance projects or full-time teams.

Focus on usability and ease-of-use to guide users through completing and submitting their profile

Since both companies and freelancers are fully vetted and screened in order to make their profiles viewable by other members of the community, we’ve improved the visibility of requirements to submit your profile. Our Auto Profile powered by GPT-4 feature is now even easier to access and seamlessly integrated into the profile editing experience.

Speed of access

We’ve re-engineered a huge portion of our profiles for the sake of efficiency so that pages load faster for all users. All of our work paid off, we saved up to 72% the size of our profile pages. This should mean a speedier experience for your potential clients or team members, especially those on mobile devices.

Additional Improvements

In addition to the updates above, our team has implemented much-requested features by our users such as: an improved avatar upload and preview experience, a new preview page for freelancer profiles to see exactly what your potential clients will see, updated the positions of certain features for better visibility to users.

We hope you can feel the difference in your profiles! Log in now to check them out and update your profile!

Are you interested in improving freelancing in Japan? We’re still hiring!

ソレクティブは「フリーランスの価値を証明する」をミッションに、プロフェッショナルフリーランスに特化した完全審査制プラットフォーム「Sollective」や SaaS 型サービスを提供するスタートアップです。フリーランスの皆さんがそれぞれ理想とするキャリアの実現をサポートするだけでなく、企業向けには各職種の専門家による審査を通過した「認定プロ人材」の紹介を通して事業課題の解決を支援しています。詳しくは下記のリンクから🔗
