Introducing New Premium Features - FreelanceOS Article Image

Introducing New Premium Features - FreelanceOS


We’re excited to announce several updates and features to Sollective’s FreelanceOS suite of tools, some of which many users have already been able to benefit from over the last few weeks, as well as new features we’re launching over the next few days.

💡Related article: A Full Business Suite for Freelancers: FreelanceOS Begins Limited Rollout Today

Simplifying our Product Lineup

If you’ve been taking part of Sollective’s mission to Prove the Real Value of Freelancers, you’ll know that the FreelanceOS initiative started as a single tool that we launched in 2022 to combat the growing trend of Freelancers’ contract worries by creating an easy to use tool that could generate a custom contract for any freelancers’ business.

We never expected to build an integrated suite of tools that encompasses Contracts, Invoices, Timesheets, Project and Client Management. To keep our product lineup simple and aligned with our FreelanceOS service, we’ll be making the following changes to the naming of Sollective’s services:

- Keiraku is now known as FreelanceOS Contracts - SeiQ is now known as FreelanceOS Invoices

Major Usability Updates to FreelanceOS

Over the last few weeks we’ve introduced huge usability improvements and features made possible by user feedback. Notable new features include:

Site navigation A brand new site navigation that better integrates Sollective projects and profiles experience with FreelanceOS Timesheets - The ability to set a place of work each day worked: for clients that require reporting of work location - The ability to add custom notes per day for flexible reporting needs - A brand new, easier to read timesheet format when printing, exporting, and sharing timesheets with your clients - Many small improvements in visual clarity when inputting data

💡Related article: New: Timesheets & Time Tracking for FreelanceOS

Introducing new branding and personalization options for Pro Freelancers with FreelanceOS Premium

As a community of professional freelancers, Sollective members all understand the importance of branding themselves and their business.

In order to make this easier for our members, we’re adding new advanced options and branding options for our members. Across the FreelanceOS Suite (Contracts, Invoice, and Timesheet features), users will now be able to:

- Remove Sollective branding on documents - Optionally add their logo (where applicable) to their PDFs or when shared with clients - Optionally add their official hanko (where applicable) to their PDFs or when shared with clients

These additional features are part of a new paid Premium tier of FreelanceOS. For more details on Premium features and pricing, check out the FreelanceOS Pricing Page.

FreelanceOS Premium is Free for All Approved Sollective Members

Now that FreelanceOS is out of the beta phase, all of our users will retain completely free access to all core features of FreelanceOS for free as part of our commitment to improving Freelance in Japan.

Our Approved Freelancers on the Sollective platform are our core community that keeps pushing for a higher quality of work and careers. As a symbol of our commitment to our community, we’re making FreelanceOS Premium free for the duration of your Approved status on Sollective. That means that as long as your Approved status is maintained, you will be able to access unlimited contracts, invoices, and other Premium features for free.

For users who don’t wish to go through our Approval process, Premium will be available as a small monthly fee. Up until now, Sollective has not charged Freelancers for the use of our services, offering our tools for free.

Rest assured that the Free tier will be enough for many freelancers to get their businesses started and growing. However, the introduction of our Premium plan gives us the ability to continue investing in the development of free tools that offer immense business value for Freelancers in Japan, which no other company has done before.

ソレクティブは「フリーランスの価値を証明する」をミッションに、プロフェッショナルフリーランスに特化した完全審査制プラットフォーム「Sollective」や SaaS 型サービスを提供するスタートアップです。フリーランスの皆さんがそれぞれ理想とするキャリアの実現をサポートするだけでなく、企業向けには各職種の専門家による審査を通過した「認定プロ人材」の紹介を通して事業課題の解決を支援しています。詳しくは下記のリンクから🔗
