Bring Flexibility and Automation to Freelancer’s Workflows: freee Integration Launch
Today for all Sollective freelancers, we’re introducing Integrations: a way for our users to gain the same super powers for automating and connecting their workflows, as the top companies in the world.
Our first Integration is with freee, a popular accounting software in Japan. We’re calling it Sollective Sync with freee. This integration allows for our suite of tools to connect with freee, starting with SeiQ.
Building Smart Software, Connected
Earlier this quarter, we released SeiQ, part of our suite of products that empower freelancers to do the work they love with less overhead. With SeiQ, freelancers can now quickly navigate the time consuming, and unnecessarily complex process of billing their clients in accordance with Japan’s invoicing laws and regulations.

SeiQ of course lets you track payments and manage invoices for all your clients, including the ones on Sollective. Now we want to close the loop with the rest of your business software: accounting. With Sollective Sync with freee, users can save time and automatically bring their invoices to freee and reduce the amount of work to keep up with their business’ day-to-day accounting.
What you can do with Sollective Sync (with freee)
Our initial integration focuses on three main features:
Import SeiQ Invoices as Transactions Manage and track your invoices in SeiQ, then link them with the transactions in your freee account. Always be aware of the in-and-outs and your revenue
Export SeiQ Invoices to freee Invoice Prefer the easy-to-use interface and client tracking of Sollective, but require your invoices in freee? You can replicate a SeiQ invoice by exporting a copy to freee in order to take advantage of freee’s advanced accounting options and get the best of both worlds. Note: Due to differences in software, Sollective’s invoice templates will not carry over. In rare cases due to user configuration in freee, invoice totals may exhibit small discrepancies.
Import freee Invoice to SeiQ Invoice If you prefer Sollective’s platform for getting the whole picture of your client management, you can import a copy of existing freee invoices with Sollective Sync.
How to get started with Sollective Sync with free
If you don’t already a Sollective account, you can Sign up for Sollective here
Your favorite tools, your own custom workflow, with Sollective’s software
Sollective wants to empower freelancers to use the tools they prefer in the workflows they want. Our freelance business suite is completely free for Freelancers on Sollective and our goal is to empower you to do your best work and to run the business you want to run.
For members who don’t use freee, we’re working on extending the functionality of Sollective Sync and the accounting software that we integrate with very soon.
If you love our software, or have any feedback to share about this new feature, we’re always open to feedback and suggestions. Not exactly what you were looking for in an integration? That’s fine too, we’d love to hear your thoughts in our members-only community slack, at one of our upcoming events or via Twitter (don’t forget to mention @sollective!). It’s up to us to improve freelancing together.
Again, our Sollective is a small handful of people passionate about elevating Freelance in Japan – if you’d like to contribute to the advancement of freelancing in Japan, we’re hiring!
※SeiQ is now known as FreelanceOS Invoices
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